NL10 AcKd

Posted 8 years ago

Anon v an oddball aggro-spewy type who likes to rep what's out there.

So I got a bit betwixt and between here. Thought I'd chk/r flop but my opponent is spewy so changed my mind.
Thought I'd chk/r the turn but it's a bit of a blank unless they have a set/2P now.
River I thought I'd ... well you know by now.

I think I butchered another one but this guy just seems so loose postflop I let him get on with it.

What do you think guys,

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG $118.1BB
UTG+1 $164.5BB
CO $90.5BB
D $107.4BB
SBHero $105.8BB
BB $97.5BB
6$1.5BBHero is SBKA
UTG calls 1BB, 2 folds, BTN raises to 4BB, Hero raises to 12.5BB, 1 fold, UTG folds, BTN calls 9BB
Hero checks, BTN bets 14BB, Hero calls14BB
Hero checks, BTN bets 28BB, Hero calls28BB

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Yes, looks like a standard bet bet bet line for me. As playedd on the river, I'd just be check calling as I don't see too many hands we lose to and the draw busted too.
Posted 8 years ago
I think you can go bet, bet, bet also.
But here I think a x/r on turn maybe well be good as if he's spewy then he may commit with a worse Ace. But I understand what you're trying to do.
River as played I just think x/c since otherwise we just fold out bluffs by betting.
Posted 8 years ago
I think as said bet bet bet is standard but if you read this guy as spewy then I like it as long as you called. If he had A6 or some bullshit the same thing would have happened regardless. If he has QTs you just got a nice free bit of value. I think x/r would be a waste as spewy players are often spewy as betting leads but can shut down vs aggression like x/r. For me I'd go bet bet bet but vs this guy if your read is good I can see the value in x/c x/c x/c as well. Especially as it puts that thought in his mind next time you check.
Posted 8 years ago
It's really important that you take advantage of these TPTK spots against spewy players. If you miss a street of money going in then you're forced to raise at some point which gives the game away against a lot of guys who will just call you down if you keep on betting. In their mind if you just bet bet bet then you might be doing it with a worse hand, but post flop raises are a different ball game.

As played donking the river might work but it's a weird line that I don't think I would ever take with a top pair hand type. Check call will be fine.

Posted 8 years ago
Yes I can relate to those comments and knew I'd butchered it. I chk/c river and ofc villain had a missed flush draw but whatever.

Thank you very much everybody Smile