Short Handed 50 PLO hand - Getting Crushed by a short stack

Posted 8 years ago

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$0.25/$0.50 Pot Limit Omaha Hi CakePoker
4 Players

Blinds $0.25/$0.504
CO fabber $50
D rocco3232 $30.21
SBHero $86.89
BB BeckyZevon $44.20
4$1.25Hero is SB3K2A
[fabber posts $0.50]

fabber checks, rocco3232 calls $0.50, Hero raises to $2.50, 1 fold, fabber calls $2, rocco3232 calls $2
Hero bets$8, fabber folds, rocco3232 goes all-in $27.71, Hero calls$19.71
2$63.42, 1 all-in 7
2$63.42, 1 all-in 2
Final Pot $63.42
rocco3232 shows Full House Sevens full of Jacks J74Q Hero shows 3K2A
rocco3232 wins $122.84 (net +$92.63)
fabber lost $2.50
Hero lost$30.21

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Flop stack off looks a bit ropey I think.

We have no showdown value and aren't getting enough pot odds. We also c bet pot into two players so villain must surely give you some credit for a hand. I doubt he's doing this with a bare worse flush draw.
Posted 8 years ago
Don't like the flop action with a single draw. Can't see us ever getting this in ahead once we pot the flop. From my POV it looks like you overplayed your draw here.

I'd start by checking the flop.
Posted 8 years ago
PLO is a significantly more complicated game than holdem. Probably by a factor of 8 or so.

Firstly I would argue the hand is a fold pre. You have AK23ccss. This is beans (IMO). You block 2nd nut flushes, your 23s is likely dead, the wheel component of A23 is horrific. You get an AK5 board and are happy and that is kinda it for the hand.

I don't understand what you would be hoping to achieve by building a pot out of position with a hand that flops pretty terribly a lot of the time. Here you flop the nut flush draw and some (likely dead) over cards and get it in in what is one of the most optimistic spots you can have and you have a live nut flush draw.

This is also a terrible board for you hand in spite of the nut flush draw. There really is not a situation here where some aspect of their ranges have connected and will have you with maybe 35% on the flop.

I would suggest asking yourself about your decision to 1) play the hand pre 2) pot it out of position. Write a response addressing these two aspects of your decision making and I will be happy to reply and work forward from there.

Please also feel absolutely free to disagree with any part or all of what I have said here, but please do to forward the discussion and reply to the post.
Posted 7 years ago
Oh my goodness. Looking back on this (chuckle).
I must have been the worst player ever
Posted 7 years ago
You have a double suited hand with some nut components and are 3 betting pre .... some right ideas there sure Laugh