5NLz, bet size ok?

Posted 8 years ago

For once i didn't get a fold when i did my cbet, but i now wonder if the line was ok? Should i have gone bigger?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05Zoom No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

Blinds $0.02/$0.056
UTG 7024844 $6.01
UTG+1 pjsgalvao $5.52
CO ElenaPridan $5.57
DHero $5.73
SB GamblerCism $4.79
BB apacz $8.37
6$0.07Hero is BTN77
7024844 raises to $0.10, pjsgalvao raises to $0.15, 1 fold, Hero calls$0.15, 2 folds, 7024844 calls $0.05
7024844 checks, pjsgalvao bets $0.15, Hero calls$0.15, 7024844 calls $0.15
7024844 checks, pjsgalvao checks, Hero bets$0.61, 7024844 folds, pjsgalvao calls $0.61
pjsgalvao checks, Hero bets$1.05, pjsgalvao calls $1.05
Final Pot $4.29
Hero shows three of a kind, Sevens 77 pjsgalvao shows QA
Hero wins$4.11 (net +$2.15)
7024844 collects $0.00 (net -$0.30)

pjsgalvao lost $1.96

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I'm raising this flop all day and looking to get the money in ASAP. I'd have made the flop around 65cents and called a shove. If called, I'd have bombed the turn.
Posted 8 years ago
in other words, get more value from that hand
Posted 8 years ago*
I'm with Harvie. Basically what you want to take away from this hand is that when you get bet into and there are not only top pair hands out there, but both flush and straight draws the opponent could have. You need to be making a good raise to extract value as early as possible.

Times when it may be a good idea to flat with your set are when the board is very dry and a raise will basically fold all bluffs out straight away as opponent would like to cbet dry boards with many hands. So then it would achieve keeping opponent happier about his value hands and also keep the potential for further bluffs to be made without worry of draws getting there. And sometimes when opponent cbets with air on a dry board, flatting can let opponent potentially hit a turn card they like and then further value can be made.

However in this case, on wets boards, opponent can have more semibluffs that may not want to fold to a raise and when they have a hand like AQ, they may even sometimes decide to get all the money "protecting their hand" in thinking you are also raising some draws when in actually fact you have them drawing pretty badly.
Posted 8 years ago
Pre: Standard.

Flop: I would 100% be raising here on this board. There are a ton of potential draws to get value from as well as a lot of other value hands we are ahead of. Raising to set up the hand to play for stacks here is best IMO.

Turn: I like your bet sizing here.

River: We can for sure go bigger, we could probably fo up to around 75% pot and villains calling range is extremely unlikely to change at all. If he is calling the smaller size he will almost certainly call the larger size also. If we had raised flop we could potentially be jamming here though.
Posted 8 years ago
On the flop I would even be raising AQ for value, debatably KQ. With so many draws out there you can't let him set his price like this. This is probably the worst board you could find for available draws. With the top pair hands we can lose out if he goes bananas with a draw making us fold, but here we obviously want that.

The rest of the hand looks fine, but you could probably have made your bets a bit bigger.