NL20 AhJc

Posted 8 years ago

Versus everybody's friend, a 90/20/ passive station/mostly not folding if hit.

So I'm pretty sure I played rubbish but thought I'd ask about bet sizing.

On the turn out friend has a 2 or a J I would expect, so pot it?

River: I was a bit iffy here, not that I think my opponent has aA5 (possible, true) but that I think they have a Jx.

Pot river? 3/4 river? Ship it or overbet and if he has 2x. str, so what?

More aggressive thinking is all, need to get max from these guys when ithink I'm ahead or I'm losing too much money.

Thanks. Smile

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG Player 6 $185.6BB
UTG+1 Player 1 $82.65BB
CO Player 2 $219.35BB
D Player 3 $94.85BB
SBHero $123.25BB
BB Player 5 $78.7BB
6$1.5BBHero is SBAJ
2 folds, Player 2 calls 1BB, 1 fold, Hero raises to 3.5BB, Player 5 calls 3BB, Player 2 calls 3BB
Hero bets9BB, Player folds, Player 2 calls 9BB
Hero bets15BB, Player 2 calls 15BB
Hero bets30BB, Player 2 calls 30BB

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
turn bigger around 20-25 and shove river imo , Likely call you off with any pp and Jx also some 2x ye , but willing to go broke trying to stack him, wouldn't surprise me to see these types turn up with A4 or something weird.

Lets say he can have any suited 2x and some off suit 2x , then any suited Jx or some off suit connected jx then under pairs.


You have close to 60% equity here so its for clear value imo to bet turn bigger and shove river.

Posted 8 years ago
A bigger bet on the turn 22-25bb and around 60-70% on the river looks best, they won't ever be folding Jx and if raised we can fold.
Posted 8 years ago
Yep good stuff guys, I'm leaving too much oney out there at the moment.

Thanks a lot, even though I should really know this by now I still forget things.
Posted 8 years ago
Make it 4BB pre then I really like the post flop line and sizing. We block a lot of what can call us so I think you got the max.