NL50, JJ, ugly spot vs Russian

Posted 8 years ago

Not many hands on Russian, just 120. Going 31/25 so far with 6.5 TOT 3bet (this hand included).

Didn't want to go broke PF as he had 3bet just twice in 100+ hands. Run out is as blank as it can be. Flop gotta call obv, but turn is just gross. If I call, pot on River will be 55 with just 22.5 left, so most likely will make a cry call on river as 'lol I'm getting 1:5'. Smells very much like AA/KK. Do you go broke?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player2 $31.21
UTG+1 Player4 $65.33
COHero $50
D Player7 $53.20
SB Player9 $95.73
BB Player1 $48.48
6$0.75Hero is COJJ
Player2 calls $0.50, 1 fold, Hero raises to $2.50, 1 fold, Player9 raises to $8.50, 1 fold, Player2 folds, Hero calls$6
Player9 bets $8.50, Hero calls$8.50
Player9 bets $10.50, Hero ???

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I don't see myself fold on the turn but I think we could fold the river to another bet. With the pot oddson the river he has to be bluffing here around 22% of the time and I don't think he is bluffing that much honestly. But then again we could be giving him another 10$ for free on the turn if he always has AA or KK here.
It sure is a tough one and you could do some studying on this hand giving him different preflop ranges and bluffing frequencies and such. Anyways GL!
Posted 8 years ago
Hi, if you call preflop is to call flop/turn/river in flop low, i dont know why call 4bet and not make jam, you have make plan of the hand, is not good call on the flop and then fold in the turn because then what turn you call again?

i prefer here jam turn, bet is low and show weakness
Posted 8 years ago
Call me a nit, when you iso to 5X and he 3 bets you with that sizing I feel like this is his range here:
QQ+, AKs, AKo.
I plugged this into stove with JJ vs that range, JJ has ard 36% equity.
Which means its most likely better for us to play JJ as a hand to set mine (if thats even profitable).
So as played i fold on the flop if im playing my A game, but of course we can call flop and just fold turn.
Posted 8 years ago
Ugly spot indeed, Call flop seems standard, I think I'm calling turn off aswell and if he jams we have a pretty easy but sigh fold on the river.
Posted 8 years ago
That small sizing is painful as it looks like we are getting taken to value town but basically call turn and call it off river. Villain will do this with bluffs a lot and may just have some draws he is going to bomb.
Posted 8 years ago
StratoMan: may just have some draws he is going to bomb.

Wouldn't it be better to jam PSB on turn with AdKd? He literally can't 'bomb river', he can just jam 20 in 55 pot.
Posted 8 years ago
In my experience villains doesn't take these sizings w "bluffs a lot" as StratoMan says, and there are very few draws out there so I don't really agree with that thought process. As played I think turn is gonna be a fold w/o any crazy reads, he also made it pretty big pre so that just adds to the list of him being very strong here. It's a safe board to triple all his overpairs on, so it makes sense to have a 3 street plan from his pov here.
Posted 8 years ago
His 3bet sizing pre is absurd. I'd likely just play 4bet or fold pre and I'm not entirely sure which range JJ would fall into. 17bb pre I think is too much to just flat and speculate on flops unless you're slowplaying aces.

As played call turn and probably call lots of rivers given odds plus I don't think we have enough info to narrow villain's range to exactly KK+.
Posted 8 years ago
Tough spot, rarely do I see a weak LRR range. Pretty sure I'm calling turn and probably river too. As Komodo mentioned with the sizing I think fold or get in is probably best.
Posted 8 years ago
At FR I see quite a bit of the l/rr move, and esp when they go big, it's always nutted. I'm totally fine with calling pre even to the big raise; these guys can never lay down AA unless the runout is super sick, so if you hit the set you get paid in full.

Postflop he's just milking you. I agree 100% with your comment that if it was AK he bombs the turn.
Posted 8 years ago
Facing 3 streets I fold somewhere and probably on the river. This:

"Hi, if you call preflop is to call flop/turn/river in flop low, i dont know why call 4bet and not make jam, you have make plan of the hand, is not good call on the flop and then fold in the turn because then what turn you call again?

i prefer here jam turn, bet is low and show weakness"

Is the worst advice in the world. Jamming would be about as profitable as taking 3 £10 notes and setting them on fire.

We can call flop and fold somewhere else because villain won't bet always. I don't see loads of ppl bluffing here but also expect them to check and showdown AK otr enough combined with binding our J to call OTT.
Posted 8 years ago
I think the preflop plan to just call is completely fine. I doubt we should fold. Re-raising can be considered, JJ is a better stack-off with some type of dynamic though, I'd call.

Definitely call the flop.

Call the turn, but be kinda unhappy about it and expect to fold river.