10Js 3bet pot (vs overbet R)
I chose to 3bet because he fold 25 vs my 3bet and bb was agrro squeezing (17-18) . Villan got bet vs miss 60% in 3bet pot so when he check maybe he got Ax,JQ-8s or 22-88/TT , on T i played c-c because there aren't many hands to take value (my plan was to c-c T and c-c/f R -depending on the size bet) ,R i don't really what to do vs that overbet , my first thought was he's bluffing because he would bet all nutt fd draws on F and c-back FD with suited connectors and he never overbet R then what if he is not beting nut Fd like KsQs/10s/9s/8s and bet KsQ because he is not having good eq and if he got raised can fold easily and if i c-c he can see the R .Maybe he did that overbet because he could saw me calling very light vs fish.What do you think ?Also any advices how to play my hand ?

I chose to 3bet because he fold 25 vs my 3bet and bb was agrro squeezing (17-18) . Villan got bet vs miss 60% in 3bet pot so when he check maybe he got Ax,JQ-8s or 22-88/TT , on T i played c-c because there aren't many hands to take value (my plan was to c-c T and c-c/f R -depending on the size bet) ,R i don't really what to do vs that overbet , my first thought was he's bluffing because he would bet all nutt fd draws on F and c-back FD with suited connectors and he never overbet R then what if he is not beting nut Fd like KsQs/10s/9s/8s and bet KsQ because he is not having good eq and if he got raised can fold easily and if i c-c he can see the R .Maybe he did that overbet because he could saw me calling very light vs fish.What do you think ?Also any advices how to play my hand ?