Posted 8 years ago

No stats. There are a lot of draws on this board which makes me think its a call. But I'm struggling to get a 3bet calling range for SB. Thoughts of how the hand played?

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Posted 8 years ago
This will be heavily player dependant though I'd actually play the hand the same way by default given the limit. I think you have just enough space to get away from this stack to pot ratio wise. I'd go broke vs. more aggressive players that can actually play their draws aggressively on the turn.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah I think the biggest problem is playing speed poker on Bwin without a HUD. The player pool is too big to remember people and its too quick to take notes. Putting them on a range is difficult.
Posted 8 years ago
BarraBod: Yeah I think the biggest problem is playing speed poker on Bwin without a HUD. The player pool is too big to remember people and its too quick to take notes. Putting them on a range is difficult.

At 10NL it's more important to factor in that the vast majority of players won't turn showdown value into a bluff almost ever.Here most Tx has a pair, so it's going to be two pair or better nearly every time.