Posted 9 years ago

Annoying. I suppose could check the flop and check call down on good runouts. Once I do that flop changes nothing so go again. River.... well you know what as I review this hand to write it up none of my thinking really makes sense vs total unknown who flatted my UTG .

Maybe I'll not even try and justify my thinking, rather hear what everyone thinks.

PokerStars - $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

SB: $10.57 (VPIP: 19.74, PFR: 19.74, 3Bet Preflop: 7.41, Hands: 79)
BB: $3.44 (VPIP: 30.48, PFR: 5.71, 3Bet Preflop: 9.52, Hands: 110)
Hero (UTG): $10.54
MP: $15.34 (VPIP: 30.88, PFR: 23.53, 3Bet Preflop: 8.33, Hands: 69)
CO: $5.48 (VPIP: 61.11, PFR: 38.89, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 18)
BTN: $10.00 (VPIP: 0.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 2)

SB posts SB $0.05, BB posts BB $0.10

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.15) Hero has Qd Qh
Hero raises to $0.35, fold, fold, BTN calls $0.35, fold, fold

Flop : ($0.85, 2 players) Td 4c Js
Hero bets $0.55, BTN calls $0.55

Turn : ($1.95, 2 players) 4d
Hero bets $1.15, BTN calls $1.15

River : ($4.25, 2 players) 8s
Hero checks, BTN bets $3.00, Hero ?

Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
I'd keep it very simple again here.

If my sums are right for a change then,

Flop: I bet 0.65 get called. pot = 2.15
Turn: I bet 1.75 get called. Pot = 5.65
Leaves me a nice stack after the turn pairs for:

River: I'm all in.

but villain could have, or he could be slowplaying, or he might be...

I have no idea what is in villain's head but I know what's in mine versus a complete unknown. Smile
Posted 9 years ago

Pre is standard, I think our sizing on the flop is fine allthough I wouldn't mind going slightly bigger. Think we have to bet bigger on the turn, 4 is an absolutely brick and we suddenly beat stuff like TJ aswell. It's actually a really good card for us. River seems brickish aswell, He can certainly hold some 79 and Q9 combos but those are the only ones we're losing to as played IMO.

On these simple assumptions (and they might be inaccurate) I think I like Pwll's line and it's going for max value IMO.
Posted 9 years ago
I agree with making it bigger on both flop and turn, when the 4 pairs on the turn his TJ is now counterfit as we have a better 2 pair so just barrel it again and re evaluate river, he also shouldn't have many sets in his range or straights (we block Q9 which is one of the few straights he could possibly have). This is a weird spot because he is representing sets only or FH and honestly I don't believe him that much, also he could be value betting TJ sometimes so I call and note what he has.
Posted 9 years ago
Called as suggested and got showed A4s. Sheeeee-it.
Posted 9 years ago
I'd just go for a simple bet/bet/bet given the limit (people tend to call too much) and board texture (not a lot of draws + you're beating every 'two pair' combo).
Posted 9 years ago
I'd go for the bet bet bet line as well. Probably at least 3/4 pot on each street to get a ton of money in with the overpair. It's unfortunate that he shows up with A4s but that's really the only 4x a reasonable player will have here. The turn pairing is typically pretty good for you since it will reduce the combos of 44 and counterfeit JTs as well as some potential 2-pairs on the river.
Posted 9 years ago
I would not check this river as we let his worse hands get to showdown for free. We should always be going for a straight up bet bet bet value line.

As played just call the river and expect to win.