Posted 8 years ago

Should i have bet turn and folded river??

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05Zoom No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

Blinds $0.02/$0.056
UTG aleks55577 $3.14
UTG+1 vincenity20 $5.44
CO dr_eryk $3.67
D realitis $18.31
SB fomikk $10.40
BBHero $5
6$0.07Hero is BBQQ
aleks55577 raises to $0.15, 2 folds, realitis calls $0.15, 1 fold, Hero raises to $0.45, aleks55577 calls $0.30, realitis calls $0.30
Hero checks, aleks55577 bets $0.15, realitis calls $0.15, Hero calls$0.15
Hero checks, aleks55577 checks, realitis checks
Hero checks, aleks55577 bets $0.50, realitis folds, Hero calls$0.50
Final Pot $2.82
Hero shows QQ aleks55577 shows three of a kind, Sevens 87
aleks55577 wins $2.70 (net +$1.60)
Hero collects$0.00 (net -$1.10)

realitis lost $0.60

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Preflop when you squeeze here you wan't to go at least 4.5x. Make it at least 65c for value.

Flop is pretty horrible vs 2 opponents but don't believe we can fold. Not sure about raising the tiny bet as effectively means we're turning QQ into a bluff which we wouldn't need to so I probably just call too. And without a club it seems too dangerous.

River is a little difficult because the bet is small, however a T should really be checking back and a missed club draw like AcJs wouldn't want to take this sizing.

So I may make what seems like a semi nitty fold.

Posted 8 years ago
Pre: You're raise here is way too small IMO. When I threebet OOP my standard is to 4x it, so against one player I would be making it 60c here. With the extra caller I would be going around 70c.

Flop: Seems fine, folding to such a small bet seems out of the question.

Turn: Betting would be a mistake IMO, checking seems best by far with the intention of folding to almost any bet.

River: Just fold here, it's a multiway pot and we have worse than top pair and villain is going with a size that seems like he is looking for value, the chances of us being good are slim here.
Posted 8 years ago
60c pre is my standard against a 3x open plus a caller.

Flop and turn look good.

The river looks like a fold. In my experience these small bets indicate something like a weak top pair hand that now wants a little value.
Posted 8 years ago
Preflop: Your sizing was way too small. 0.55-0.6$ should be a minimum.

Flop: Never folding vs. sizing.

Turn: You can't really bet for value and you can't bluff anything better so easy check.

River: I'm expecting to lose this most of the time, but I can't fold vs. sizing.