NL10 QsQh

Posted 8 years ago

Anon v reg type, no hud but villain has been quiet and a bit tight.

I think my cbet was a bit optimistic 3-handed and a chk behind would maybe give me a nice turn.
When BB raises I'm done, they can have all sorts of made hands from there on that board.

I think I can chk/f a lot on the turn to, what do you think guys?


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTGHero $105.2BB
UTG+1 Player 5 $71.7BB
CO Player 6 $111.9BB
D Player 1 $103BB
SB Player 2 $191.2BB
BB Player 3 $197BB
6$1.5BBHero is UTGQQ
Hero raises to 3BB, Player 5 calls 3BB, 3 folds, Player 3 calls 2BB
Player 3 checks, Hero bets6.5BB, Player folds, Player 3 raises to 19.9BB,

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
There's some combo draws out there with 9Ts, QTs etc, sets too. A prime example of why big pairs are a bit crappy multiway. Especially on these boards.
It's annoying because we'd like to cbet to thin the field and there's a ton of draws. However... we won't get many folds and often raised or check/raised depending on your seat. So I think we can just take a note of this spot for how we can play it in the future.

Though... I think a b/f might actually be the best play, and I'm not sure if we ever get it in that good.
If we x/c x/c x/c then it's worse for us more often and even the Qs that we hold can be dominated.
I don't actually think there's that many great turn cards for us. We need runner runner for straight, and even then we don't get paid.
If we hit a Q then we can set over set people for sure, but I think that's about it.
Posted 8 years ago
Errrr yuk. That sucks. Grocker I think is on point here. I think I'd check flop and see if can get to cheapish showdown (or get one value bet in if checked round). If you x flop, SB leads turn and river I'd give it up though.

Nothing much else you can do.
Posted 8 years ago
I don't mind a check on this flop multiway. C betting can't be bad though, it just depends who you're up against. You can still get good value against passive opponents.

As played having position and an over pair makes me want to peel one once the other player folds. But we did open UTG and villain saw us c bet into multiple players so folding looks ok.