nl10 - ATo squeze from BB

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

BU - no stats 1st hands, starting 87bb so not a reg.
SB - seems ok, but SB call is pretty weak.

no other reads.

How would you play this hand? Is this valid?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10Zoom No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTG Lt.DurrrBall $9.73
UTG+1 ashere2 $22.10
CO Drawzee $23.55
D islandwizard $8.67
SB FrankyHoly $14.04
BBHero $22.88
6$0.15Hero is BBTA
3 folds, islandwizard raises to $0.20, FrankyHoly calls $0.15, Hero raises to $1, islandwizard calls $0.80, FrankyHoly folds
Hero bets$1.10, islandwizard raises to $2.20, Hero raises to $8.80, islandwizard goes all-in $5.47
2$18.67, 1 all-in 8
2$18.67, 1 all-in 4


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago*
In this spot we have approx 33% against villains raise call range so we need folds 19% of the time to break even. Given the price villains getting I'm not sure he's folding that often. But we're out of position and villains short stacked so I think 3bet shoving is better than calling as we have smaller implied odds when we just call.

My line in this spot would be to x shove. Checking induces bluffs and lighter calls when we shove. And if villain checks back that's also okay for us, as we see a free turn and can bluff now if we don't improve. Overbetting the flop and calling a shove is also fine.
Posted 7 years ago
^^ thanks. I like the idea of check/shove. I am not doing it at all in 3b pots. still long way to go Smile
Posted 7 years ago
I'd much prefer to be suited if we're going to squeeze. Usually this is a fold if the open is a normal size but for a min raise calling should be ok. Off suit hands in multiway spots don't play so great even if you do have high card value.

As played I don't mind folding the flop because we have no immediate draw, but for a min raise floating may be ok given that we can pick up some nice turn cards and he won't always barrel.