NL10 AsAc

Posted 8 years ago

Anon v super passive ubernit, must be like one of those 10/6 guys again.

Ok so calling raise call reraise makes me think small/mid PP most times which is fine by me.
Flop: I think this board hits just about everything in villains range except if they have something like TT+ which is a small range, so I chkd.

Turn: I'll call this and evaluate what villain does at river it's not a huge pot yet but I'm not a happy bunny now.

River: not hard, just fold.

Seems fairly normal play to me but maybe I underplay my hand too far this way and should just cbet anyway?


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG Player 2 $100BB
UTG+1 Player 3 $157.5BB
CO Player 4 $109.8BB
D Player 5 $17.4BB
SB Player 6 $104.5BB
BBHero $133.6BB
6$1.5BBHero is BBAA
2 folds, Player 4 raises to 3BB, 1 fold, Player 6 calls 2.5BB, Hero raises to 12.5BB, Player folds, Player 6 calls 10.5BB
Player 6 checks, Hero checks
Player 6 bets 15BB, Hero calls15BB
Player 6 bets 60BB, Hero folds
Final Pot $120BB
Player 6 wins $117BB (net +$31.5BB)
Hero lost$27.5BB
Player 4 lost $3BB

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I'd bet the flop because I still expect over pairs to call at least one street if not all 3. TT-QQ is very well within their range here imo.

Turn is an easy call imo, river sucks and I think folding here is correct.
Posted 8 years ago
Why not bet the flop? If his range is loads of PP's the overpairs will call and then you have some with GS's like 66 and 77 as well which you give a free shot to. If he has the nuts on the flop he will tell you and you can get away cheap.

As played I like your line, well played.
Posted 8 years ago
Here I prefer betting the flop. It is coordinated but it's also only 9 high so there's many more combos of worse overpairs possible. Not to mention pair +gutshots, JT and flush draws.

As played turn looks an easy call.

River is horrible because of his bet size so folding looks right.