NL10 Js7s

Posted 8 years ago

Just sat in, versus unknown so took a more passive approach rather than 3bet.

A bit undecided here guys since villain pots the river.

Do I shove it at him or just call? I'd be more inclined to shove if my opponent made a smalle bet.

Also, would you 3bet here versus SB is unknown? I often miss it out early on.


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG $106.6BB
UTG+1 $198.5BB
CO $23.3BB
D $100BB
SB $117.3BB
BBHero $100BB
6$1.5BBHero is BB7J
2 folds, CO calls 1BB, 1 fold, SB calls 0.5BB, Hero checks
SB bets 3BB, Hero calls3BB, CO folds
SB bets 4.5BB, Hero calls4.5BB
SB bets 18BB, (Hero)?

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
You cant 3bet its a limped pot , i like checking in the bb with this type hand no need to raise with it and Id shove river for value ,, id be strongly considering raising the turn as'well when i improve to an open ender with my FD.
Posted 8 years ago
Yes my bad sorry, I should have asked if I just raise it preflop.

My default goto tactic is to raise just about anything playable with a little info on SB, but unknowns I'm still tending towards the cautious approach.

I suppose the question stands in the case when SB raises 3x first in and how it would affect my reply for 2X or 4X OR from SB. May I assume a fold to 4x?

Posted 8 years ago
Against what looks like a fishy player here. I think we can definitely raise the river.

Not sure about a shove though as we don't know much about if the guy will call it off with worse.

I feel villain can have a few 2 pairs with a limped ace a lot so I think they'll not lay it down to say a raise to 45bbs.
Posted 8 years ago
I don't mind a shove because 1) he limped so we can peg him as bad, and 2) his bet size is polarised meaning he's either likely to felt his hand or he's going away even if we make a modest sized raise.

We have the third nuts and he probably has every worse flush combo in his range. Ok, there's a small chance that if he's bluffing and we raise small he can rebluff, but that won't happen frequently enough to worry about imo.