Gala Tracking

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Guys,

Has anyone actually got a tracked Gala Poker account that appears on their dashboard?

I am currently speaking with PokerVIP support but it looks like it may not be working as Gala are taking an age to respond.

If anyone has managed to get their account tracked how long did it take?

Grinding more than normal this month and with the amount I'm raking I would be eligible for a reward in the top777 if I carry on at this volume and don't want to miss out.


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Posted 8 years ago
Hi @msilvo

Hopefully everything is in order with your account and it is just a case of we do not get reports that often from Gala. Sometimes it can take a little while on certain rooms. When did you first play on there? Can you PM me your login name + email for the account please? And I will double check things for you.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks @CrazyKeri

I have sent you a PM.

Started playing on Gala on 18th August
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks to @CrazyKeri and Damir on skype support.

Gala is now tracking on my account Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Hey @msilvo

Glad to hear the issue is resolved Smile