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Check BarraBod's recent activity and point progression.

BarraBod posted in a thread satellite84's SCOOP Package+1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Moving on up! +1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Howard Lederer apologies +1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod created a new thread Howard Lederer apologies +1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Moving on up! +1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Tournaments or Cash? +1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Moving on up! +1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Moving on up! +1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Moving on up! +1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Moving on up! +1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Cycle's Trip Report: Vegas baby, Vegas+1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread The ONLY Way is - UP!+1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Investing - Stock & shares+1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Investing - Stock & shares+1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread What can go wrong?+1 Point

8 years ago

BarraBod posted in a thread Investing - Stock & shares+1 Point

8 years ago