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Check Grocker6's recent activity and point progression.

Grocker6 liked a post in The ONLY Way is - UP!

8 years ago

Grocker6 is viewing promotion $75,000 PokerVIP Top 500 May 2016

8 years ago

Grocker6 created a new thread NL10 A4s+1 Point

8 years ago

Grocker6 posted in a thread Is this too spewy :P ?+1 Point

8 years ago

Grocker6 posted in a thread NL5 9Ts MP1vsCO FR+1 Point

8 years ago

Grocker6 posted in a thread NL5 47s BTNvsSB FR+1 Point

8 years ago

Grocker6 is viewing promotion $75,000 PokerVIP Top 500 May 2016

8 years ago

Grocker6 posted in a thread NL25 QQ+1 Point

8 years ago

Grocker6 posted in a thread NL25 JJ+1 Point

8 years ago

Grocker6 posted in a thread NL25 98+1 Point

8 years ago

Grocker6 posted in a thread NL25 ATs+1 Point

8 years ago

Grocker6 posted in a thread NL25 KK+1 Point

8 years ago