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Check Harvie's recent activity and point progression.

Harvie posted in a thread UFC 205 - Alvarez vs McGregor+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL5 A8o+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread call limp/shove pre with ak+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL50 - Middle set vs LAG+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread Investing - Stock & shares+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread KQs 20nl+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread AKs 20nl - 500bb pot+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread What do you eat for breakfast?+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread US Election+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread Investing - Stock & shares+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread KK dry board+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 88 dry board+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL50 KQof ANONYMOUS+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL5 QJs+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL5 KQs+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL5 AA+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL5 KTo+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL5 AQo+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread T9o 50nl HU+1 Point

7 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread AQ 50nl+1 Point

7 years ago