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Check Harvie's recent activity and point progression.

Harvie posted in a thread NL10 AJ+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL10 A6+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread The Last Thing You Bought Thread+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie created a new thread Conor McGregor out of UFC 200+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL10 AKs+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 2nl zoom 6 max KK vs 390bb preflop shove+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL10 AK+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL10 AQ+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 5NL - AK+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 5NL - AJ+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread Battling the demons+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL10 KQ+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL10 KQ+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL25-zoom, 44+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread NL25-zoom, 87s+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 4NL - cold 4bet QQ vs 5bet - hand 2+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 4NL - cold 4bet QQ vs 5bet+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 4nl - QQ 3bet pot , turn shove ?+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread **The Book Thread**+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 10nl - KQs 3bet pot - vs trip barrel+1 Point

8 years ago