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Check Harvie's recent activity and point progression.

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom 22 river bet+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom AQ hu+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom J9s multiway+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom Ajo sq+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom AKo 3bet+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom QTo +1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom AA c/x river+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom AA+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom KQo call +1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 109s +1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread AQ 20NL+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread Your Favourite Card Room+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread Live MTT - Midstages - Full house on the river+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread 10NLz AJo+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom KTo +1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom KTo +1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom KT multiway+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom AQo c/c with tptk+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom TT set multiway+1 Point

8 years ago

Harvie posted in a thread nl2zoom AJo+1 Point

8 years ago