Posted 8 years ago
Caught some heat.. decent 11 hands after 600 hand mark lol.

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Posted 8 years ago
You are a boss. Thanks for the kind words on my journey.
Posted 8 years ago
Had the pleasure to have a chat with the old @MilfGrinder on Skype and what makes him even more of a boss is how hard it is for him to actually play where he lives. Riddled with regulations and blocked from so many sites.

Kinda backs up what i said about just seeing all of this as a positive. You make something work which many cannot so keep at it and lets keep this upswing going!
Posted 8 years ago
Watt's up?
I haven't played much this month, I'm at 7k-8k hands and down 1 BI or so. Messing with the PLO game as well on which I don't have tracking. Played a session with 1 PLO6 table, 2x NL50, 1x NL50 SNAP (which is also HUDless) - fun combination. Smile All in all - I'm just trying to enjoy the game again.
Posted 8 years ago
That sounds like one hell of a poker cocktail! I don't think my brain would have enough power to do that tbh.

Good to hear you are enjoying the game again, really helps when loading up sessions when you feel happy. Keep at it!
Posted 8 years ago
Messed around with my HM, checked out my All in pre flop graph... Whoooaaa, it must be a leak?
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Here is filtered to just AKo/AKs
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Any comments?
Posted 8 years ago
That is not going to give us any info :') if you are gii AKo in EP v MP as default that is a lwak. If you are 5b shoving it bbvbtn then it wont be.
Posted 8 years ago
Two things. Firstly what he said ^^ will need some positional stats. The other thing that occurs to me is that this is filtered to AIPF= True not including when you jammed and they folded. If you are shoving it profitably but the profit comes from the dead money and the blockers you hold giving good FE, alongside the solid pot equity, then the graph might look like this. I would imagine AK is not ahead against most peoples calling a jam preflop range but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.
Posted 8 years ago
Just looked at my AK, AIPF and saw showdown graph and looks the same (EV anyway, I'm actually running good). Even for me as a was too tight player. If I took out the showdown bit then its very positive wth AK. Hopefully its just HEM filter recording an 'ALL IN' as a called bet and this is SD line.
Posted 8 years ago
Very good point well made, our equity from AKo comes from fold equity as when called we are v AK, JJ+ and we are shit v that range!
Posted 8 years ago
Time to review some numbers. Smile

1. My shitty 888 graph. 0.0208333$ per hand EV winnings + RB. 77% of volume is NL50.
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2. My shitty iPoker graph. 0.0296954$ per hand EV + RB. ~1.2k$ of RB come from promotion. Without it it's 0.0236$ per hand. 2% of volume comes from NL50, 98% is NL10-20 EUR/GBP.
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It seems I'll be saying good bye to 888 poker. Rake is very high and almost no RB makes it not that much profitable. I'm considering Betfair + one the Hive room, not sure which one. I don't have that many options to go really...

Good idea?
Posted 8 years ago
don't see why you left ipker in the first place going by that :')

Think as well, you grind harder now so your montly wiht promos will be way higher Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Because that promo disappeared + RB got cut more and more. It was truly sick deal at first when I got there! Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I think BetFair and Stan James have the most promos. Plus they are both on MG network which has a good RB deal. I could be wrong of course Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Hey If by MG you mean Microgamiing?! Betfair are part of IPoker.Still has a great RB Deal and promos though.
Posted 8 years ago
Betfair is a no brainer! Rewards are insane and you seem to crush there PLUS they have solid traffic and the games are getting softer and softer. RIP 888
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah, there's not that much value in playing on 888 and I don't think slightly better games are enough of a compensation to practically give up rakeback. As for the alternatives ipoker and Microgaming room's (especially I you haven't used the first deposit yet) seem like a good idea. Hive is also potentially a good option, but make sure you're fine with their software first.
Posted 8 years ago
Hello! I was away for a bit. Some pages ago I wrote about local running competitions I had started to prepare for and in how insanely bad shape I was then (like a month ago?). So, it was THE day yesterday. It was 3.4km, almost flat loop, 100% tarmac. I took down the 3rd place! My time wasn't one should be proud of - 12:08 (3:35 min/km), but if I look back how things were a month ago, I've pulled off some really good shit there! Insane progress with just like 4x trainings per week. This year I was only 10'' behind my last years result, but 1'10'' behind my Personal Best 2 years ago, but then I was training close to professionally.

If anyone is interested in monthly individual training plans for endurance sports (like running, xc skiing etc), I will do it for a nice Eastern European price, just 100 eur for a detailed program for a full month! Smile

I spent like 6 hours trying to get Betfair running without success. The VPN I used (Hotspot shield), is not doing the trick anymore. I tried Tunnel Bear, Cyber Ghose free version (give only Romanian IP, where gambling is blocked as well I think). Most of VPN's has no trial versions, so I'm in a bad spot again. At least I contacted Betfair support and got confirmation that they are fine with players using VPN, so my funds should be safe there if I get it going. Anyone can suggest a VPN / other way to get around the domain block?

Posted 8 years ago
Hello MilfGrinder.

Have you tried GoldenFrog and UltraSurf? GoldenFrog has a free 3 day trial.
Posted 8 years ago
Hey! Thanks for stepping in!

No, I haven't tried those. I checked that free trial - I have to give my billing info right away, and if I don't do smth, they'll bill my moniezz, which I don't like. I think I will have to use my suberb Russian skilz and dive into some shady Russian forums lol.

p.s. I'm having my free coaching session with w34z3l on Monday!